Factor Analysis

If we make the assumption that a set of underlying (or latent) variables is responsible for a large part of the dynamics in the target dataset, then we can use a set of techniques that seek to identify and quantify those underlying variables. While many such techniques exist, one such very widely used one is called Factor Analysis.

Factor Analysis

Rotation Options:

  • None
  • Equamax
  • Orthomax
  • Parsimax
  • Promax
  • Quartimax
  • Varimax


  • WLS
  • Regression

N : Number of Components


The factor analysis model can be described as $$ Y = \Lambda F + E $$ where
$ \Lambda $ are the factor weights
$ F $ are the factor scores
$ E $ is the error term

Clearly, a reconstructed approximation of the target dataset can be carried out by $ \Lambda * F $. For example, in a single factor model:

$$ \begin{matrix} y_1 = \lambda_{1} f_{1} + \epsilon_{1} \\ y_2 = \lambda_{2} f_{1} + \epsilon_{2} \\ y_3 = \lambda_{3} f_{1} + \epsilon_{3} \end{matrix} $$


  • GoF: Chi-square, p-value, log-likelihood
  • Factor Loadings: $ \Lambda\ $ i.e. weights
  • Rotation Matrix
  • Factor Scores: $ F $
  • MLE Variances: