
Extract information from your data using a plethora of advanced routines directly from Excel. Integrate Parietal Numerics with your C++, .NET and Java programs using the powerful API.


pnumerics v1.0.13

Easy to use Excel add-in

Forms are deliberately designed to be clean and simple. Some procedures can be run without even modifying worksheets in order to quickly explore data.

Bindings for C++, .NET, Java

We provide the same bindings we use to write our extensions. Users can call the engine from multiple languages. The bindings as well as sample programs are MIT licensed.

User Support

We take pride in our software. Any software glitches users report automatically go to the top of our stack. We try to be responsive and open to user requests as well.

Lighweight & Modular

Our architecture is highly modular and easy for us to modify and extend. In fact the entire engine weighs in less than 6MB!

Intelligent Pipelining

Behind the scenes, the core engine can queue, pop and cancel jobs on multiple cpu threads allowing the user to run multiple jobs at once.