What is Parietal Numerics

Parietal Numerics enables Excel users to conduct statistical data analysis using a point and click user interface. It also offers more advanced users the ability to integrate the software into their own C++, .NET or Java applications. For users interested in the API documentation, see the menu bar above.

What makes it different?

Its ease of use combined with available algorithms. You can request a variety of complex calculations within a couple of seconds, even on large spreadsheets. The simplicity of the interface, how rapidly a user is able to experiment and the ease with which multiple async requests are sent to the engine, is unmatched.

The engine can serve multiple Excel instances on the user’s machine. Furthermore, the engine can run multiple long running simulation type tasks concurrently while still serving synchronous tasks taking fill advantage of today multicore cpu architectures.

Is it responsive?

Very much so. It is high throughput partly because it is modular. Some users might be surprised that none of the calculations happen in Excel itself. Excel is simply an access point to the actual computational engine.

  • Ease of use was a primary concern of ours and therefore we put a lot of thought into how we designed the user forms.
  • The core engine is written from scratch mostly in C++17 and the code is repeatedly profiled for bottlenecks. Every algorithm is accompanied by a series of unit test that it has to pass to ensure correctness.
  • No legacy code was holding us back. Our past experiences as software developers in a variety of industries informed our decisions. We brought all our collective lessons learned, used best practices and also avoided software development mistakes that one naturally makes throughout ones career.

Whats in store for the future?

Our pace of development is going to be extremely high. We plan on greatly increasing algorithmic coverage and continuously improving the docs. We can do this because of the time and effort that went into making sure the foundations of the software are clean and modular.