
The best way to learn how to use the API is to play around with the provided examples.

SampleAppC++IntermediateVcpkg: Bond + ZMQ
Import Bindings
Helpers Methods
Synchronous Examples
Request/Fetch/Cancel Async Job
SampleAppC#IntermediateNuget: Bond + ZMQ
Import Bindings
Helpers Methods
Synchronous Examples
Request/Fetch/Cancel Async Job

A Note To Beginning Developers

Make sure you can compile and run some patterns from the ZeroMQ guide independently of these API docs. What you will be doing here is very similar to the patterns described in that guide. If you learn those, picking up what is described in these sample apps will be super easy.

In addition, if you have never worked with an IDL serialization tool like Protobuf, FlatBuffers or Bond, you should probably compile and play around with some examples from their websites. Fundamentally, they are all very similar.
Bond C++ guide
Bond C# guide
Bond Java guide

A Note To Python Developers

If you are a determined Python dev, you should be able to import parietal_reflection.h and use Boost Python to export whichever structures you need. Keep in mind that this might be a bit tricky to get working because we use generics and inheritance within the IDL. This is described by the developers of Bond at this link.

In our internal testing we have made it work but haven’t been able to test it to complete satisfaction in order to publicly release the Python bindings as of yet.

Note that as of writing this guide, the highest version that we could use to generate Python bindings for Parietal Numerics was C++14.