Time Series Volatility



Consider the following.

  • Autocorrelation in squared returns
  • Volatility clustering
  • Conditional Normality i.e. $ f(y | y_{t-1}) \sim N(0, \alpha_{0} + \alpha_{1} y^{2}_{t-1}) $

The following relation would seek to model the above:

$$ \sigma_{t}^{2} = \alpha_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{q}\alpha_{i}u_{t-i}^{2} + \sum_{i=1}^{p}\beta_{i}\sigma_{t-i}^{2} $$

$ p $ specifies the GARCH parameter where $ p >= 0 $ and $ q $ specifies the ARCH parameter where $ q >= 1 $

GARCH(p, q) models attempt to capture volatility dynamics in time series. When $ p = 0 $, it is simply an ARCH(q) model. The key difference between the two is that GARCH captures long run volatility whereas ARCH models end their volatility capture at lag q.


  • xtol: tolerance for convergence test
  • Optimizer: Sbplx, Nelder Mead


  • coef: Coefficient estimates for $g$ for GARCH parameters and $a$ for ARCH parameters
  • serr: Standard Errors calculated via Outer Product Gradient method
  • tstat: t-statistics
  • pval: p-values